

You are reading the documentation for MMSelfSup 0.x, which will soon be deprecated by the end of 2022. We recommend you upgrade to MMSelfSup 1.0.0rc versions to enjoy fruitful new features and better performance brought by OpenMMLab 2.0. Check out the changelog, code and documentation of MMSelfSup 1.0.0rc for more details.

Source code for mmselfsup.datasets.builder

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import platform
import random
import warnings
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import torch
from mmcv.parallel import collate
from mmcv.runner import get_dist_info
from mmcv.utils import Registry, build_from_cfg, digit_version
from import DataLoader

from .samplers import DistributedSampler
from .utils import PrefetchLoader

if platform.system() != 'Windows':
    import resource
    rlimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
    base_soft_limit = rlimit[0]
    hard_limit = rlimit[1]
    soft_limit = min(max(4096, base_soft_limit), hard_limit)
    resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (soft_limit, hard_limit))

DATASOURCES = Registry('datasource')
DATASETS = Registry('dataset')
PIPELINES = Registry('pipeline')

def build_datasource(cfg, default_args=None):
    return build_from_cfg(cfg, DATASOURCES, default_args)

def build_dataset(cfg, default_args=None):
    from .dataset_wrappers import ConcatDataset, RepeatDataset
    if isinstance(cfg, (list, tuple)):
        dataset = ConcatDataset([build_dataset(c, default_args) for c in cfg])
    elif cfg['type'] == 'RepeatDataset':
        dataset = RepeatDataset(
            build_dataset(cfg['dataset'], default_args), cfg['times'])
        dataset = build_from_cfg(cfg, DATASETS, default_args)

    return dataset

[docs]def build_dataloader(dataset, imgs_per_gpu=None, samples_per_gpu=None, workers_per_gpu=1, num_gpus=1, dist=True, shuffle=True, replace=False, seed=None, pin_memory=True, persistent_workers=True, **kwargs): """Build PyTorch DataLoader. In distributed training, each GPU/process has a dataloader. In non-distributed training, there is only one dataloader for all GPUs. Args: dataset (Dataset): A PyTorch dataset. imgs_per_gpu (int): (Deprecated, please use samples_per_gpu) Number of images on each GPU, i.e., batch size of each GPU. Defaults to None. samples_per_gpu (int): Number of images on each GPU, i.e., batch size of each GPU. Defaults to None. workers_per_gpu (int): How many subprocesses to use for data loading for each GPU. `persistent_workers` option needs num_workers > 0. Defaults to 1. num_gpus (int): Number of GPUs. Only used in non-distributed training. dist (bool): Distributed training/test or not. Defaults to True. shuffle (bool): Whether to shuffle the data at every epoch. Defaults to True. replace (bool): Replace or not in random shuffle. It works on when shuffle is True. Defaults to False. seed (int): set seed for dataloader. pin_memory (bool, optional): If True, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. Defaults to True. persistent_workers (bool): If True, the data loader will not shutdown the worker processes after a dataset has been consumed once. This allows to maintain the workers Dataset instances alive. The argument also has effect in PyTorch>=1.7.0. Defaults to True. kwargs: any keyword argument to be used to initialize DataLoader Returns: DataLoader: A PyTorch dataloader. """ if imgs_per_gpu is None and samples_per_gpu is None: raise ValueError( 'Please inidcate number of images on each GPU, ', '"imgs_per_gpu" and "samples_per_gpu" can not be "None" at the ', 'same time. "imgs_per_gpu" is deprecated, please use ', '"samples_per_gpu".') if imgs_per_gpu is not None: warnings.warn(f'Got "imgs_per_gpu"={imgs_per_gpu} and ' f'"samples_per_gpu"={samples_per_gpu}, "imgs_per_gpu"' f'={imgs_per_gpu} is used in this experiments. ' 'Automatically set "samples_per_gpu"="imgs_per_gpu"=' f'{imgs_per_gpu} in this experiments') samples_per_gpu = imgs_per_gpu rank, world_size = get_dist_info() if dist: sampler = DistributedSampler( dataset, world_size, rank, shuffle=shuffle, replace=replace, seed=seed) shuffle = False batch_size = samples_per_gpu num_workers = workers_per_gpu else: if replace: return NotImplemented sampler = None # TODO: set replace batch_size = num_gpus * samples_per_gpu num_workers = num_gpus * workers_per_gpu init_fn = partial( worker_init_fn, num_workers=num_workers, rank=rank, seed=seed) if seed is not None else None if digit_version(torch.__version__) >= digit_version('1.8.0'): kwargs['persistent_workers'] = persistent_workers if kwargs.get('prefetch') is not None: prefetch = kwargs.pop('prefetch') img_norm_cfg = kwargs.pop('img_norm_cfg') else: prefetch = False data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, batch_size=batch_size, sampler=sampler, num_workers=num_workers, collate_fn=partial(collate, samples_per_gpu=samples_per_gpu), pin_memory=pin_memory, shuffle=shuffle, worker_init_fn=init_fn, **kwargs) if prefetch: data_loader = PrefetchLoader(data_loader, img_norm_cfg['mean'], img_norm_cfg['std']) return data_loader
def worker_init_fn(worker_id, num_workers, rank, seed): """Function to initialize each worker. The seed of each worker equals to ``num_worker * rank + worker_id + user_seed``. Args: worker_id (int): Id for each worker. num_workers (int): Number of workers. rank (int): Rank in distributed training. seed (int): Random seed. """ worker_seed = num_workers * rank + worker_id + seed np.random.seed(worker_seed) random.seed(worker_seed) torch.manual_seed(worker_seed)
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