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Source code for mmselfsup.models.backbones.resnext

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from mmcls.models.backbones.resnet import ResLayer
from mmcls.models.backbones.resnext import Bottleneck

from ..builder import BACKBONES
from .resnet import ResNet

[docs]@BACKBONES.register_module() class ResNeXt(ResNet): """ResNeXt backbone. Please refer to the `paper <>`__ for details. As the behavior of forward function in MMSelfSup is different from MMCls, we register our own ResNeXt, inheriting from `mmselfsup.model.backbone.ResNet`. Args: depth (int): Network depth, from {50, 101, 152}. groups (int): Groups of conv2 in Bottleneck. Defaults to 32. width_per_group (int): Width per group of conv2 in Bottleneck. Defaults to 4. in_channels (int): Number of input image channels. Defaults to 3. stem_channels (int): Output channels of the stem layer. Defaults to 64. num_stages (int): Stages of the network. Defaults to 4. strides (Sequence[int]): Strides of the first block of each stage. Defaults to ``(1, 2, 2, 2)``. dilations (Sequence[int]): Dilation of each stage. Defaults to ``(1, 1, 1, 1)``. out_indices (Sequence[int]): Output from which stages. If only one stage is specified, a single tensor (feature map) is returned, otherwise multiple stages are specified, a tuple of tensors will be returned. Defaults to ``(3, )``. style (str): `pytorch` or `caffe`. If set to "pytorch", the stride-two layer is the 3x3 conv layer, otherwise the stride-two layer is the first 1x1 conv layer. deep_stem (bool): Replace 7x7 conv in input stem with 3 3x3 conv. Defaults to False. avg_down (bool): Use AvgPool instead of stride conv when downsampling in the bottleneck. Defaults to False. frozen_stages (int): Stages to be frozen (stop grad and set eval mode). -1 means not freezing any parameters. Defaults to -1. conv_cfg (dict | None): The config dict for conv layers. Defaults to None. norm_cfg (dict): The config dict for norm layers. norm_eval (bool): Whether to set norm layers to eval mode, namely, freeze running stats (mean and var). Note: Effect on Batch Norm and its variants only. Defaults to False. with_cp (bool): Use checkpoint or not. Using checkpoint will save some memory while slowing down the training speed. Defaults to False. zero_init_residual (bool): Whether to use zero init for last norm layer in resblocks to let them behave as identity. Defaults to False. Example: >>> from mmselfsup.models import ResNeXt >>> import torch >>> self = ResNeXt(depth=50) >>> self.eval() >>> inputs = torch.rand(1, 3, 32, 32) >>> level_outputs = self.forward(inputs) >>> for level_out in level_outputs: ... print(tuple(level_out.shape)) (1, 256, 8, 8) (1, 512, 4, 4) (1, 1024, 2, 2) (1, 2048, 1, 1) """ arch_settings = { 50: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 6, 3)), 101: (Bottleneck, (3, 4, 23, 3)), 152: (Bottleneck, (3, 8, 36, 3)) } def __init__(self, depth, groups=32, width_per_group=4, **kwargs): self.groups = groups self.width_per_group = width_per_group super(ResNeXt, self).__init__(depth=depth, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_res_layer(self, **kwargs): """Redefine the function for ResNeXt related args.""" return ResLayer( groups=self.groups, width_per_group=self.width_per_group, base_channels=self.base_channels, **kwargs)
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