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Source code for mmselfsup.models.memories.odc_memory

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule, get_dist_info
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from ..builder import MEMORIES

[docs]@MEMORIES.register_module() class ODCMemory(BaseModule): """Memory module for ODC. This module includes the samples memory and the centroids memory in ODC. The samples memory stores features and pseudo-labels of all samples in the dataset; while the centroids memory stores features of cluster centroids. Args: length (int): Number of features stored in samples memory. feat_dim (int): Dimension of stored features. momentum (float): Momentum coefficient for updating features. num_classes (int): Number of clusters. min_cluster (int): Minimal cluster size. """ def __init__(self, length, feat_dim, momentum, num_classes, min_cluster, **kwargs): super(ODCMemory, self).__init__() self.rank, self.num_replicas = get_dist_info() if self.rank == 0: self.feature_bank = torch.zeros((length, feat_dim), dtype=torch.float32) self.label_bank = torch.zeros((length, ), dtype=torch.long) self.centroids = torch.zeros((num_classes, feat_dim), dtype=torch.float32).cuda() self.kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=2, random_state=0, max_iter=20) self.feat_dim = feat_dim self.initialized = False self.momentum = momentum self.num_classes = num_classes self.min_cluster = min_cluster self.debug = kwargs.get('debug', False)
[docs] def init_memory(self, feature, label): """Initialize memory modules.""" self.initialized = True self.label_bank.copy_(torch.from_numpy(label).long()) # make sure no empty clusters assert (np.bincount(label, minlength=self.num_classes) != 0).all() if self.rank == 0: feature /= (np.linalg.norm(feature, axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) + 1e-10) self.feature_bank.copy_(torch.from_numpy(feature)) centroids = self._compute_centroids() self.centroids.copy_(centroids) dist.broadcast(self.centroids, 0)
def _compute_centroids_ind(self, cinds): """Compute a few centroids.""" assert self.rank == 0 num = len(cinds) centroids = torch.zeros((num, self.feat_dim), dtype=torch.float32) for i, c in enumerate(cinds): ind = np.where(self.label_bank.numpy() == c)[0] centroids[i, :] = self.feature_bank[ind, :].mean(dim=0) return centroids def _compute_centroids(self): """Compute all non-empty centroids.""" assert self.rank == 0 label_bank_np = self.label_bank.numpy() argl = np.argsort(label_bank_np) sortl = label_bank_np[argl] diff_pos = np.where(sortl[1:] - sortl[:-1] != 0)[0] + 1 start = np.insert(diff_pos, 0, 0) end = np.insert(diff_pos, len(diff_pos), len(label_bank_np)) class_start = sortl[start] # keep empty class centroids unchanged centroids = self.centroids.cpu().clone() for i, st, ed in zip(class_start, start, end): centroids[i, :] = self.feature_bank[argl[st:ed], :].mean(dim=0) return centroids def _gather(self, ind, feature): """Gather indices and features.""" ind_gathered = [ torch.ones_like(ind).cuda() for _ in range(self.num_replicas) ] feature_gathered = [ torch.ones_like(feature).cuda() for _ in range(self.num_replicas) ] dist.all_gather(ind_gathered, ind) dist.all_gather(feature_gathered, feature) ind_gathered =, dim=0) feature_gathered =, dim=0) return ind_gathered, feature_gathered
[docs] def update_samples_memory(self, ind, feature): """Update samples memory.""" assert self.initialized feature_norm = feature / (feature.norm(dim=1).view(-1, 1) + 1e-10 ) # normalize ind, feature_norm = self._gather( ind, feature_norm) # ind: (N*w), feature: (N*w)xk, cuda tensor ind = ind.cpu() if self.rank == 0: feature_old = self.feature_bank[ind, ...].cuda() feature_new = (1 - self.momentum) * feature_old + \ self.momentum * feature_norm feature_norm = feature_new / ( feature_new.norm(dim=1).view(-1, 1) + 1e-10) self.feature_bank[ind, ...] = feature_norm.cpu() dist.barrier() dist.broadcast(feature_norm, 0) # compute new labels similarity_to_centroids =, feature_norm.permute(1, 0)) # CxN newlabel = similarity_to_centroids.argmax(dim=0) # cuda tensor newlabel_cpu = newlabel.cpu() change_ratio = (newlabel_cpu != self.label_bank[ind] ).sum().float().cuda() / float(newlabel_cpu.shape[0]) self.label_bank[ind] = newlabel_cpu.clone() # copy to cpu return change_ratio
[docs] def deal_with_small_clusters(self): """Deal with small clusters.""" # check empty class histogram = np.bincount( self.label_bank.numpy(), minlength=self.num_classes) small_clusters = np.where(histogram < self.min_cluster)[0].tolist() if self.debug and self.rank == 0: print(f'mincluster: {histogram.min()}, ' f'num of small class: {len(small_clusters)}') if len(small_clusters) == 0: return # re-assign samples in small clusters to make them empty for s in small_clusters: ind = np.where(self.label_bank.numpy() == s)[0] if len(ind) > 0: inclusion = torch.from_numpy( np.setdiff1d( np.arange(self.num_classes), np.array(small_clusters), assume_unique=True)).cuda() if self.rank == 0: target_ind = self.centroids[inclusion, :], self.feature_bank[ind, :].cuda().permute( 1, 0)).argmax(dim=0) target = inclusion[target_ind] else: target = torch.zeros((ind.shape[0], ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda() dist.all_reduce(target) self.label_bank[ind] = torch.from_numpy(target.cpu().numpy()) # deal with empty cluster self._redirect_empty_clusters(small_clusters)
[docs] def update_centroids_memory(self, cinds=None): """Update centroids memory.""" if self.rank == 0: if self.debug: print('updating centroids ...') if cinds is None: center = self._compute_centroids() self.centroids.copy_(center) else: center = self._compute_centroids_ind(cinds) self.centroids[ torch.LongTensor(cinds).cuda(), :] = center.cuda() dist.broadcast(self.centroids, 0)
def _partition_max_cluster(self, max_cluster): """Partition the largest cluster into two sub-clusters.""" assert self.rank == 0 max_cluster_inds = np.where(self.label_bank == max_cluster)[0] assert len(max_cluster_inds) >= 2 max_cluster_features = self.feature_bank[max_cluster_inds, :] if np.any(np.isnan(max_cluster_features.numpy())): raise Exception('Has nan in features.') kmeans_ret = sub_cluster1_ind = max_cluster_inds[kmeans_ret.labels_ == 0] sub_cluster2_ind = max_cluster_inds[kmeans_ret.labels_ == 1] if not (len(sub_cluster1_ind) > 0 and len(sub_cluster2_ind) > 0): print( 'Warning: kmeans partition fails, resort to random partition.') sub_cluster1_ind = np.random.choice( max_cluster_inds, len(max_cluster_inds) // 2, replace=False) sub_cluster2_ind = np.setdiff1d( max_cluster_inds, sub_cluster1_ind, assume_unique=True) return sub_cluster1_ind, sub_cluster2_ind def _redirect_empty_clusters(self, empty_clusters): """Re-direct empty clusters.""" for e in empty_clusters: assert (self.label_bank != e).all().item(), \ f'Cluster #{e} is not an empty cluster.' max_cluster = np.bincount( self.label_bank, minlength=self.num_classes).argmax().item() # gather partitioning indices if self.rank == 0: sub_cluster1_ind, sub_cluster2_ind = \ self._partition_max_cluster(max_cluster) size1 = torch.LongTensor([len(sub_cluster1_ind)]).cuda() size2 = torch.LongTensor([len(sub_cluster2_ind)]).cuda() sub_cluster1_ind_tensor = torch.from_numpy( sub_cluster1_ind).long().cuda() sub_cluster2_ind_tensor = torch.from_numpy( sub_cluster2_ind).long().cuda() else: size1 = torch.LongTensor([0]).cuda() size2 = torch.LongTensor([0]).cuda() dist.all_reduce(size1) dist.all_reduce(size2) if self.rank != 0: sub_cluster1_ind_tensor = torch.zeros( (size1, ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda() sub_cluster2_ind_tensor = torch.zeros( (size2, ), dtype=torch.int64).cuda() dist.broadcast(sub_cluster1_ind_tensor, 0) dist.broadcast(sub_cluster2_ind_tensor, 0) if self.rank != 0: sub_cluster1_ind = sub_cluster1_ind_tensor.cpu().numpy() sub_cluster2_ind = sub_cluster2_ind_tensor.cpu().numpy() # reassign samples in partition #2 to the empty class self.label_bank[sub_cluster2_ind] = e # update centroids of max_cluster and e self.update_centroids_memory([max_cluster, e])
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