
Source code for mmselfsup.visualization.selfsup_visualizer

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import mmcv
import numpy as np
from mmengine.dist import master_only
from mmengine.structures import InstanceData
from mmengine.visualization import Visualizer

from mmselfsup.registry import VISUALIZERS
from mmselfsup.structures import SelfSupDataSample

[docs]@VISUALIZERS.register_module() class SelfSupVisualizer(Visualizer): """MMSelfSup Visualizer. Args: name (str): Name of the instance. Defaults to 'visualizer'. image (np.ndarray, optional): the origin image to draw. The format should be RGB. Defaults to None. vis_backends (list, optional): Visual backend config list. Defaults to None. save_dir (str, optional): Save file dir for all storage backends. If it is None, the backend storage will not save any data. line_width (int, float): The linewidth of lines. Defaults to 3. alpha (int, float): The transparency of boxes or mask. Defaults to 0.8. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import torch >>> from mmengine.structures import InstanceData >>> from mmselfsup.structures import SelfSupDataSample >>> from mmselfsup.visualization import SelfSupVisualizer >>> selfsup_visualizer = SelfSupVisualizer() >>> image = np.random.randint(0, 256, ... size=(10, 12, 3)).astype('uint8') >>> pseudo_label = InstanceData() >>> pseudo_label.patch_box = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 2, 5]]) >>> gt_selfsup_data_sample = SelfSupDataSample() >>> gt_selfsup_data_sample.pseudo_label = pseudo_label >>> selfsup_visualizer.add_datasample('image', image, ... gt_selfsup_data_sample) >>> selfsup_visualizer.add_datasample( ... 'image', image, gt_selfsup_data_sample, ... out_file='out_file.jpg') >>> selfsup_visualizer.add_datasample( ... 'image', image, gt_selfsup_data_sample, ... show=True) >>> pseudo_label = InstanceData() >>> pseudo_label.patch_box = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 2, 5]]) >>> pred_selfsup_data_sample = SelfSupDataSample() >>> pred_selfsup_data_sample.pseudo_label = pseudo_label >>> selfsup_visualizer.add_datasample('image', image, ... gt_selfsup_data_sample, ... pred_selfsup_data_sample) """ def __init__(self, name: str = 'visualizer', image: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, vis_backends: Optional[List[Dict]] = None, save_dir: Optional[str] = None, line_width: Union[int, float] = 3, alpha: Union[int, float] = 0.8): super().__init__( name=name, image=image, vis_backends=vis_backends, save_dir=save_dir) self.line_width = line_width self.alpha = alpha # Set default value. When calling # `SelfSupVisualizer().dataset_meta=xxx`, # it will override the default value. self.dataset_meta = {} def _draw_boxes( self, image: np.ndarray, boxes: InstanceData, edge_colors: Union[str, tuple, List[str], List[tuple]] = 'r' ) -> np.ndarray: """Draw instance with boxes. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. boxes (:obj:`InstanceData`): Data structure for instance-level box annotations. edge_colors (Union[str, tuple, List[str], List[tuple]]): The colors of boxes. ``colors`` can have the same length with lines or just single value. If ``colors`` is single value, all the lines will have the same colors. Refer to `matplotlib. colors` for full list of formats that are accepted. Defaults to 'r'. Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ self.set_image(image.copy()) self.draw_bboxes( boxes, edge_colors=edge_colors, alpha=self.alpha, line_widths=self.line_width) return self.get_image() def _draw_mask( self, image: np.ndarray, mask: InstanceData, colors: Union[str, tuple, List[str], List[tuple]] = 'k') -> np.ndarray: """Draw instance with binary mask. Args: image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. mask (:obj:`InstanceData`): Data structure for pixel-level annotations. colors (Union[str, tuple, List[str], List[tuple]]): The colors which binary_masks will convert to. ``colors`` can have the same length with binary_masks or just single value. If ``colors`` is single value, all the binary_masks will convert to the same colors. The colors format is RGB. Defaults to np.array([0, 0, 0]). Returns: np.ndarray: the drawn image which channel is RGB. """ self.set_image(image.copy()) if 'value' in mask: mask = mask.value mask_ = np.zeros((image.shape[0], image.shape[1])) num_mask = [ image.shape[0] // mask.shape[0], image.shape[1] // mask.shape[1] ] for i in range(image.shape[0]): for j in range(image.shape[1]): mask_[i][j] = mask[i // num_mask[0]][j // num_mask[1]] self.draw_binary_masks( mask_.astype(np.bool_), colors=colors, alphas=self.alpha) return self.get_image()
[docs] @master_only def add_datasample(self, name: str, image: np.ndarray, gt_sample: Optional[SelfSupDataSample] = None, pred_sample: Optional[SelfSupDataSample] = None, draw_gt: bool = True, draw_pred: bool = True, show: bool = False, wait_time: float = 0, out_file: Optional[str] = None, step: int = 0) -> None: """Draw datasample and save to all backends. - If GT and prediction are plotted at the same time, they are displayed in a stitched image where the left image is the ground truth and the right image is the prediction. - If ``show`` is True, all storage backends are ignored, and the images will be displayed in a local window. - If ``out_file`` is specified, the drawn image will be saved to ``out_file``. t is usually used when the display is not available. Args: name (str): The image identifier. image (np.ndarray): The image to draw. gt_sample (:obj:`SelfSupDataSample`, optional): GT SelfSupDataSample. Defaults to None. pred_sample (:obj:`SelfSupDataSample`, optional): Prediction SelfSupDataSample. Defaults to None. draw_gt (bool): Whether to draw GT SelfSupDataSample. Default to True. draw_pred (bool): Whether to draw Prediction SelfSupDataSample. Defaults to True. show (bool): Whether to display the drawn image. Default to False. wait_time (float): The interval of show (s). Defaults to 0. out_file (str): Path to output file. Defaults to None. step (int): Global step value to record. Defaults to 0. """ gt_img_data = None pred_img_data = None if draw_gt and gt_sample is not None: gt_img_data = image if 'pseudo_label' in gt_sample: if ('patch_box' in gt_sample.pseudo_label) and \ ('unpatched_img' in gt_sample.pseudo_label): gt_img_data = self._draw_boxes( gt_sample.pseudo_label.unpatched_img[0, ::].numpy()[ ..., [2, 1, 0]], gt_sample.pseudo_label.patch_box[0, ::].numpy()) if 'mask' in gt_sample: gt_img_data = self._draw_mask(gt_img_data, gt_sample.mask.numpy()) if draw_pred and pred_sample is not None: pred_img_data = image if 'pseudo_label' in gt_sample: if ('patch_box' in gt_sample.pseudo_label) and \ ('unpatched_img' in gt_sample.pseudo_label): pred_img_data = self._draw_boxes( pred_sample.pseudo_label.unpatched_img[0, ::].numpy(), pred_sample.pseudo_label.patch_box[0, ::].numpy()) if 'mask' in pred_sample: pred_img_data = self._draw_mask(pred_img_data, pred_sample.mask.numpy()) if gt_img_data is not None and pred_img_data is not None: drawn_img = np.concatenate((gt_img_data, pred_img_data), axis=1) elif gt_img_data is not None: drawn_img = gt_img_data else: drawn_img = pred_img_data if show:, win_name=name, wait_time=wait_time) else: self.add_image(name, drawn_img, step) if out_file is not None: mmcv.imwrite(drawn_img[..., ::-1], out_file)
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