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mmselfsup.core.hooks.interclr_hook 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from mmcv.runner import HOOKS, Hook
from mmcv.utils import print_log

from mmselfsup.utils import Extractor
from mmselfsup.utils import clustering as _clustering

[文档]@HOOKS.register_module() class InterCLRHook(Hook): """Hook for InterCLR. This hook includes the clustering process in InterCLR. Args: extractor (dict): Config dict for feature extraction. clustering (dict): Config dict that specifies the clustering algorithm. centroids_update_interval (int): Frequency of iterations to update centroids. deal_with_small_clusters_interval (int): Frequency of iterations to deal with small clusters. evaluate_interval (int): Frequency of iterations to evaluate clusters. warmup_epochs (int, optional): The number of warmup epochs to set ``intra_loss_weight=1`` and ``inter_loss_weight=0``. Defaults to 0. init_memory (bool): Whether to initialize memory banks used in online labels. Defaults to True. initial (bool): Whether to call the hook initially. Defaults to True. online_labels (bool): Whether to use online labels. Defaults to True. interval (int): Frequency of epochs to call the hook. Defaults to 1. dist_mode (bool): Use distributed training or not. Defaults to True. data_loaders (DataLoader): A PyTorch dataloader. Defaults to None. """ def __init__( self, extractor, clustering, centroids_update_interval, deal_with_small_clusters_interval, evaluate_interval, warmup_epochs=0, init_memory=True, initial=True, online_labels=True, interval=1, # same as the checkpoint interval dist_mode=True, data_loaders=None): assert dist_mode, 'non-dist mode is not implemented' self.extractor = Extractor(dist_mode=dist_mode, **extractor) self.clustering_type = clustering.pop('type') self.clustering_cfg = clustering self.centroids_update_interval = centroids_update_interval self.deal_with_small_clusters_interval = \ deal_with_small_clusters_interval self.evaluate_interval = evaluate_interval self.warmup_epochs = warmup_epochs self.init_memory = init_memory self.initial = initial self.online_labels = online_labels self.interval = interval self.dist_mode = dist_mode self.data_loaders = data_loaders def before_run(self, runner): assert hasattr(runner.model.module, 'intra_loss_weight'), \ "The runner must have attribute \"intra_loss_weight\" in InterCLR." assert hasattr(runner.model.module, 'inter_loss_weight'), \ "The runner must have attribute \"inter_loss_weight\" in InterCLR." self.intra_loss_weight = runner.model.module.intra_loss_weight self.inter_loss_weight = runner.model.module.inter_loss_weight if self.initial: if runner.epoch > 0 and self.online_labels: if runner.rank == 0: print(f'Resuming memory banks from epoch {runner.epoch}') features = np.load( f'{runner.work_dir}/feature_epoch_{runner.epoch}.npy') else: features = None loaded_labels = np.load( f'{runner.work_dir}/cluster_epoch_{runner.epoch}.npy') runner.model.module.memory_bank.init_memory( features, loaded_labels) return self.deepcluster(runner) def before_train_epoch(self, runner): cur_epoch = runner.epoch if cur_epoch >= self.warmup_epochs: runner.model.module.intra_loss_weight = self.intra_loss_weight runner.model.module.inter_loss_weight = self.inter_loss_weight else: runner.model.module.intra_loss_weight = 1. runner.model.module.inter_loss_weight = 0. def after_train_iter(self, runner): if not self.online_labels: return # centroids update if self.every_n_iters(runner, self.centroids_update_interval): runner.model.module.memory_bank.update_centroids_memory() # deal with small clusters if self.every_n_iters(runner, self.deal_with_small_clusters_interval): runner.model.module.memory_bank.deal_with_small_clusters() # evaluate if self.every_n_iters(runner, self.evaluate_interval): new_labels = runner.model.module.memory_bank.label_bank if new_labels.is_cuda: new_labels = new_labels.cpu() self.evaluate(runner, new_labels.numpy()) def after_train_epoch(self, runner): if self.online_labels: # online labels # save cluster if self.every_n_epochs(runner, self.interval) and runner.rank == 0: features = runner.model.module.memory_bank.feature_bank new_labels = runner.model.module.memory_bank.label_bank if new_labels.is_cuda: new_labels = new_labels.cpu() f'{runner.work_dir}/feature_epoch_{runner.epoch + 1}.npy', features.cpu().numpy()) f'{runner.work_dir}/cluster_epoch_{runner.epoch + 1}.npy', new_labels.numpy()) else: # offline labels if self.every_n_epochs(runner, self.interval): self.deepcluster(runner) def deepcluster(self, runner): # step 1: get features runner.model.eval() features = self.extractor(runner) runner.model.train() # step 2: get labels if not self.dist_mode or (self.dist_mode and runner.rank == 0): clustering_algo = _clustering.__dict__[self.clustering_type]( **self.clustering_cfg) # Features are normalized during clustering clustering_algo.cluster(features, verbose=True) assert isinstance(clustering_algo.labels, np.ndarray) new_labels = clustering_algo.labels.astype(np.int64) if self.init_memory:'{runner.work_dir}/cluster_epoch_{runner.epoch}.npy', new_labels) else: f'{runner.work_dir}/cluster_epoch_{runner.epoch + 1}.npy', new_labels) self.evaluate(runner, new_labels) else: new_labels = np.zeros((len(self.data_loaders[0].dataset), ), dtype=np.int64) if self.dist_mode: new_labels_tensor = torch.from_numpy(new_labels).cuda() dist.broadcast(new_labels_tensor, 0) new_labels = new_labels_tensor.cpu().numpy() # step 3 (optional): assign offline labels if not (self.online_labels or self.init_memory): runner.model.module.memory_bank.assign_label(new_labels) # step 4 (before run): initialize memory if self.init_memory: runner.model.module.memory_bank.init_memory(features, new_labels) self.init_memory = False def evaluate(self, runner, new_labels): histogram = np.bincount( new_labels, minlength=runner.model.module.memory_bank.num_classes) empty_cls = (histogram == 0).sum() minimal_cls_size, maximal_cls_size = histogram.min(), histogram.max() if runner.rank == 0: print_log( f'empty_num: {empty_cls.item()}\t' f'min_cluster: {minimal_cls_size.item()}\t' f'max_cluster: {maximal_cls_size.item()}', logger='mmselfsup')
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