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mmselfsup.models.algorithms.swav 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch

from ..builder import ALGORITHMS, build_backbone, build_head, build_neck
from .base import BaseModel

[文档]@ALGORITHMS.register_module() class SwAV(BaseModel): """SwAV. Implementation of `Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments <>`_. The queue is built in `core/hooks/`. Args: backbone (dict): Config dict for module of backbone. neck (dict): Config dict for module of deep features to compact feature vectors. Defaults to None. head (dict): Config dict for module of loss functions. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, backbone, neck=None, head=None, init_cfg=None, **kwargs): super(SwAV, self).__init__(init_cfg) self.backbone = build_backbone(backbone) assert neck is not None self.neck = build_neck(neck) assert head is not None self.head = build_head(head)
[文档] def extract_feat(self, img): """Function to extract features from backbone. Args: img (Tensor): Input images of shape (N, C, H, W). Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. Returns: tuple[Tensor]: Backbone outputs. """ x = self.backbone(img) return x
[文档] def forward_train(self, img, **kwargs): """Forward computation during training. Args: img (list[Tensor]): A list of input images with shape (N, C, H, W). Typically these should be mean centered and std scaled. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ assert isinstance(img, list) # multi-res forward passes idx_crops = torch.cumsum( torch.unique_consecutive( torch.tensor([i.shape[-1] for i in img]), return_counts=True)[1], 0) start_idx = 0 output = [] for end_idx in idx_crops: _out = self.backbone([start_idx:end_idx])) output.append(_out) start_idx = end_idx output = self.neck(output)[0] loss = self.head(output) return loss
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