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mmselfsup.models.heads.mocov3_head 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.runner import BaseModule

from mmselfsup.utils import concat_all_gather
from ..builder import HEADS, build_neck

[文档]@HEADS.register_module() class MoCoV3Head(BaseModule): """Head for MoCo v3 algorithms. This head builds a predictor, which can be any registered neck component. It also implements latent contrastive loss between two forward features. Part of the code is modified from: `<>`_. Args: predictor (dict): Config dict for module of predictor. temperature (float): The temperature hyper-parameter that controls the concentration level of the distribution. Defaults to 1.0. """ def __init__(self, predictor, temperature=1.0): super(MoCoV3Head, self).__init__() self.predictor = build_neck(predictor) self.temperature = temperature
[文档] def forward(self, base_out, momentum_out): """Forward head. Args: base_out (Tensor): NxC features from base_encoder. momentum_out (Tensor): NxC features from momentum_encoder. Returns: dict[str, Tensor]: A dictionary of loss components. """ # predictor computation pred = self.predictor([base_out])[0] # normalize pred = nn.functional.normalize(pred, dim=1) target = nn.functional.normalize(momentum_out, dim=1) # get negative samples target = concat_all_gather(target) # Einstein sum is more intuitive logits = torch.einsum('nc,mc->nm', [pred, target]) / self.temperature # generate labels batch_size = logits.shape[0] labels = (torch.arange(batch_size, dtype=torch.long) + batch_size * torch.distributed.get_rank()).cuda() loss = 2 * self.temperature * nn.CrossEntropyLoss()(logits, labels) return dict(loss=loss)
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