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mmselfsup.models.utils.knn_classifier 源代码

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

# This file is borrowed from

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

[文档]@torch.no_grad() def knn_classifier(train_features, train_labels, test_features, test_labels, k, T, num_classes=1000): """Compute accuracy of knn classifier predictions. Args: train_features (Tensor): Extracted features in the training set. train_labels (Tensor): Labels in the training set. test_features (Tensor): Extracted features in the testing set. test_labels (Tensor): Labels in the testing set. k (int): Number of NN to use. T (float): Temperature used in the voting coefficient. num_classes (int): Number of classes. Defaults to 1000. """ top1, top5, total = 0.0, 0.0, 0 train_features = nn.functional.normalize(train_features, dim=1) test_features = nn.functional.normalize(test_features, dim=1) train_features = train_features.t() num_test_images, num_chunks = test_labels.shape[0], 100 # split all test images into several chunks to prevent out-of-memory imgs_per_chunk = num_test_images // num_chunks retrieval_one_hot = torch.zeros(k, num_classes).to(train_features.device) for idx in range(0, num_test_images, imgs_per_chunk): # get the features for test images features = test_features[idx:min((idx + imgs_per_chunk), num_test_images), :] targets = test_labels[idx:min((idx + imgs_per_chunk), num_test_images)] batch_size = targets.shape[0] # calculate the dot product and compute top-k neighbors similarity =, train_features) distances, indices = similarity.topk(k, largest=True, sorted=True) candidates = train_labels.view(1, -1).expand(batch_size, -1) retrieved_neighbors = torch.gather(candidates, 1, indices) retrieval_one_hot.resize_(batch_size * k, num_classes).zero_() retrieval_one_hot.scatter_(1, retrieved_neighbors.view(-1, 1), 1) distances_transform = distances.clone().div_(T).exp_() probs = torch.sum( torch.mul( retrieval_one_hot.view(batch_size, -1, num_classes), distances_transform.view(batch_size, -1, 1), ), 1, ) _, predictions = probs.sort(1, True) # find the predictions that match the target correct = predictions.eq(, 1)) top1 = top1 + correct.narrow(1, 0, 1).sum().item() top5 = top5 + correct.narrow(1, 0, min( 5, k)).sum().item() # top5 does not make sense if k < 5 total += targets.size(0) top1 = top1 * 100.0 / total top5 = top5 * 100.0 / total return top1, top5
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