

In MMSelfSup, we provide many benchmarks for classification, thus the models can be evaluated on different classification tasks. Here are comprehensive tutorials and examples to explain how to run all classification benchmarks with MMSelfSup. We provide scripts in folder tools/benchmarks/classification/, which has 2 .sh files, 1 folder for VOC SVM related classification task and 1 folder for ImageNet nearest-neighbor classification task.

VOC SVM / Low-shot SVM

To run these benchmarks, you should first prepare your VOC datasets. Please refer to for the details of data preparation.

To evaluate the pre-trained models, you can run the command below.

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/svm_voc07/ ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${GPUS} ${PRETRAIN} ${FEATURE_LIST}

# slurm version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/svm_voc07/ ${PARTITION} ${JOB_NAME} ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${PRETRAIN} ${FEATURE_LIST}

Besides, if you want to evaluate the ckpt files saved by runner, you can run the command below.

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/svm_voc07/ ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${EPOCH} ${FEATURE_LIST}

# slurm version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/svm_voc07/ ${PARTITION} ${JOB_NAME} ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${EPOCH} ${FEATURE_LIST}

To test with ckpt, the code uses the epoch_*.pth file, there is no need to extract weights.


  • ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} is the config file of the self-supervised experiment.

  • ${FEATURE_LIST} is a string to specify features from layer1 to layer5 to evaluate; e.g., if you want to evaluate layer5 only, then FEATURE_LIST is “feat5”, if you want to evaluate all features, then FEATURE_LIST is “feat1 feat2 feat3 feat4 feat5” (separated by space). If left empty, the default FEATURE_LIST is “feat5”.

  • ${PRETRAIN}: the pre-trained model file.

  • if you want to change GPU numbers, you could add GPUS_PER_NODE=4 GPUS=4 at the beginning of the command.

  • ${EPOCH} is the epoch number of the ckpt that you want to test

Linear Evaluation and Fine-tuning

Linear evaluation and fine-tuning are two of the most general benchmarks. We provide config files and scripts to launch the training and testing for Linear Evaluation and Fine-tuning. The supported datasets are ImageNet, Places205 and iNaturalist18.

First, make sure you have installed MIM, which is also a project of OpenMMLab.

pip install openmim

Besides, please refer to MMClassification for installation and data preparation.

Then, run the command below.

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/ ${CONFIG} ${PRETRAIN}

# slurm version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/ ${PARTITION} ${JOB_NAME} ${CONFIG} ${PRETRAIN}


  • ${CONFIG}: Use config files under configs/benchmarks/classification/. Specifically, imagenet (excluding imagenet_*percent folders), places205 and inaturalist2018.

  • ${PRETRAIN}: the pre-trained model file.


bash ./tools/benchmarks/classification/ \
configs/benchmarks/classification/imagenet/ \

If you want to test the well-trained model, please run the command below.

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/ ${CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT}

# slurm version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification// ${PARTITION} ${CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT}


  • ${CHECKPOINT}: The well-trained classification model that you want to test.


bash ./tools/benchmarks/mmsegmentation/ \
configs/benchmarks/classification/imagenet/ \

ImageNet Semi-Supervised Classification

To run ImageNet semi-supervised classification, we still use the same .sh script as Linear Evaluation and Fine-tuning to launch training.


  • The default GPU number is 4.

  • ${CONFIG}: Use config files under configs/benchmarks/classification/imagenet/, named imagenet_*percent folders.

  • ${PRETRAIN}: the pre-trained model file.

ImageNet Nearest-Neighbor Classification

Only support CNN-style backbones (like ResNet50).

To evaluate the pre-trained models using the nearest-neighbor benchmark, you can run the command below.

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/knn_imagenet/ ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${PRETRAIN} [optional arguments]

# slurm version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/knn_imagenet/ ${PARTITION} ${JOB_NAME} ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} ${CHECKPOINT} [optional arguments]


  • ${SELFSUP_CONFIG} is the config file of the self-supervised experiment.

  • ${CHECKPOINT}: the path of checkpoint model file.

  • if you want to change GPU numbers, you could add GPUS_PER_NODE=4 GPUS=4 at the beginning of the command.

  • [optional arguments]: for optional arguments, you can refer to the script

An example of command

# distributed version
bash tools/benchmarks/classification/knn_imagenet/ \
    configs/selfsup/barlowtwins/ \
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